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Sheepi Drifters

Story concept:

In a world where the Gods have cast their judgment upon humanity, Earth has transformed into a series of island archipelagos. The dominant inhabitants are the Ovis aries, a unique species of human-sheep hybrids. Raised under an ideology centered on peace, love, and the pursuit of Nirvana before the age of 50 to join the gods, the Ovis live by these values.

However, as time passes, the Ovis begin to stray from their peaceful ways. Self-indulgence takes hold, and they become envious of each other's possessions, prone to anger, driven by desire, gluttonous, and lazy. The Gods, displeased with this behavior, decide to punish the Ovis by transforming them back into sheep at the age of 40.

But one merciful God offers the Ovis a chance at redemption through the Dream Race. The winner of this race earns a wish and an opportunity to avoid the fate of becoming a sheep. However, reaching Nirvana won't be easy. Numerous obstacles, both physical and metaphysical, stand in their way.

The most challenging obstacles they face are their own inner demons. To succeed, they must confront and accept their darkest selves. It's a race against time and inner turmoil as they strive to win back the favor of the Gods and avoid their woolly fate. The question remains: Do they have what it takes to outwit their fellow racers and secure their redemption?

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