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Updated: Jan 25

Encountered a fantastic group of DND enthusiasts while diving into random matches on Baldur's Gate 3. They welcomed me into their DND world, teaching me the ropes as I embraced the role of a mousefolk sorcerer. Link to my character sheet:

Beyond playing, I contributed by assisting in refining the world map crafted by our Dungeon Master. Dungeon master's map:

Refined map (Worked by me):

Following discussions, the Dungeon Master has specified the preferred font style. Here is the updated version to reflect those preferences.

Anticipating the countless adventures that lie ahead with this amazing crew!

Updated: Oct 4, 2023

Wow, I can't believe how addicted I got to Baldur's Gate 3! Spending a whopping 607 hours in the game was an adventure in itself. It was so good that time seemed to warp as I navigated the intricate web of quests, characters, and epic battles. This journey reminds me that gaming isn't just a pastime; it's a gateway to extraordinary worlds that stay with us. It's exhilarating to express my passion through fan art and share it with fellow adventurers who know the thrill of being part of something truly exceptional.

Gonna draw our my current team mates in the game.

Dark Urge Sorcerer Tav (Storm sorcery)

Acolyte, High Elf, Bard (Tav)


After thoughts:

In life's uncertain, oft tumultuous flight,

For one of introversion, veiled from sight,

The burdens weigh, the path obscured in haze,

Yet solace found in hidden, quiet ways.

Through pixelated realms, I take my stand,

Baldur's Gate, a refuge, mighty land,

Its storytelling weaves a tapestry,

Of strength and hope, in hours dark and dreary.

With stylus, pen, on canvas or on screen,

A journey through my soul, a tranquil scene,

Each stroke, each line, a balm for wounds unseen,

A lifeline, art becomes, in tranquil dream.

In chaos, art's a haven, soft and still,

A sanctuary, where my heart can fill,

With beauty born from darkness, it's revealed,

Through games and art, a strength that's unconcealed.

So in these trying times, when shadows loom,

Take refuge in your art, let worries gloom,

Transform into a beacon, shining bright,

A testament to strength, in art's respite.

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